FYI I have submitted a pull-req to Bitcoin Core to enable full-rbf by default:
At the moment approximately 40% of the total Bitcoin hash power is mining
full-rbf replacements, spread over 8 different pools. Multiple block explorers,
including blockstr
See #28130 on bitcoin repo
Of course the intent is not to store "inscriptions" but a reference
Whatever you do bitcoin cannot avoid deviant practices
Therefore that one is the right way to go
Envoyé de mon iPhone
> Le 25 juil. 2023 à 23:19, Léo via bitcoin-dev
> a écrit :
> Hello,
According to you, the rules of standardization are useless but in this case
why were they introduced? The opreturn limit can be circumvented by miners, yet
it is rare to see any, the same for maxancestorcount, minrelayfee or even the
dust limit.
This cat and mouse game can be won by bitcoin de
> This cat and mouse game can be won by bitcoin defenders. Why ? Because it is
> easier to detect these transactions and make them a standardization rule than
> to create new types of spam transactions.
One of the things discussed during the mempoolfullrbf discussion is that a
small (~1
Hi all,
I have put together a first complete proposal for the core opcodes of
MATT [1][2].
The changes make the opcode functionally complete, and the
implementation is revised and improved.
The code is implemented in the following fork of the
bitcoin-inquisition repo: