Hello Rijndael,
On Wed, 30 Nov 2022 at 23:09, Rijndael wrote:
> Hello Salvatore,
> I found my answer re-reading your original post:
> > During the arbitration phase (say at the i-th leaf node of M_T), any
> party can win the challenge by providing correct values for tr_i = (st_i,
> op_i, st_
HI All
I am the CEO of GAP600. We guarantee zero confirmed Bitcoin and other
crypto transactions, BTC is a primary part of our business. Our guarantee
enables our customers to recognise zero-conf deposits. We reimburse our
clients value of the trx should we get it wrong and a transaction we
There has never been any enforcement of miner preferences. The convention
is changing quickly, since miners are squeezed for cash and want to
capture every nickel, plus there are bounties for full rbf being posted
every day.
I would suggest considering to continue doing business, as usual, as if
On Thu, Dec 01, 2022 at 02:27:16PM +0200, Daniel Lipshitz via bitcoin-dev wrote:
> Statistics for consideration as a sample of the zero conf use case -
>1. As of end of Nov 2022 - GAP600 has processed i.e responded to circa
>15M transactions
>2. These transactions have a cumulativ