Hello World,
There was a discussion about improving fee estimation in Bitcoin Core last year
in which 'instagibbs' mentioned that we cannot consider mempool as an orderbook
in which which everyone is bidding for block space because nodes can use
different relay policies:
I just want to add an alarming info to this thread...
*There are at least 5.7m UTXOs≤1000 Sat (~7%), *
*8.04 m ≤1$ (10%), *
*13.5m ≤ 0.0001BTC (17%)*
It seems that bitInfoCharts took my enquiry seriously and added a main link
for dust analysis:
On 2022-02-07 14:34, Billy Tetrud via bitcoin-dev wrote:
I do think that UTXO set size is something that will need to be
addressed at some point. I liked the idea of utreexo or some other
accumulator as the ultimate solution to this problem.
What about using economic incentives to disincentiviz
Are you big Developers aware of what is said in this thread
That "Omni" ALT coin, and all Alt coins and new protocols do create such
extensive amount of dust that they are thinking of dividing 1 Satoshi to
fractions or how to accept a UTXO wi
Hi Prayank
> 1.Is Lightning Network and a few other layer 2 projects vulnerable to
> multiple RBF policies being used?
Clearly the security of the Lightning Network and some other Layer 2 projects
are at least impacted or partly dependent on policy rules in a way that the
base blockchain/netwo