Interesting discussion. Correct me if I'm wrong: but putting too many
features together in one shot just can't make things harder to debug in
production if something very unexpected happens. It's a basic principle of
software engineering.
Change. Deploy. Nothing bad happened? Change it a little mo
On 2021-10-15 03:05:36 user Anthony Towns via bitcoin-dev
> Same stuff works with testnet, though I'm not sure if any testnet faucets
will accept bech32m addresses directly.
There are faucets that accept such addresses, for example, but you have to use bec
Hi Andreas,
> I'm trying to finish off bitcoinj's implementation for sending to
taproot addresses. For this, I'd like to test against a wallet that can
receive to P2TR and spend back.
I did this transaction few days back which creates a P2TR output while
answering a question on Bitcoin Stackexc
Making Bitcoin function after 2038 is by definition a hard fork
I feel if we do HF, we should bundle other HF changes with it...
On Wed, Oct 13, 2021 at 5:19 PM vjudeu via bitcoin-dev <> wrote:
> It seems that Bitcoin Core will stop working in 2038 because o
It's well-known. Nobody really cares, because it's so far off. Not
possible to do by softfork, no. It is possible to do by something that
becomes a hardfork in 80 years, though, which is probably good enough.
I proposed a solution, but nobody was really interested. Let's see if
anyone bites no
Your solution seems to solve the problem of chain halting, but there are more
issues. For example: if you have some time modulo 2^32, then you no longer know
if timestamp zero is related to 1970 or 2106 or some higher year. Your "k"
value representing in fact the most significant 32 bits of 64-b
Good morning yanmaani,
> It's well-known. Nobody really cares, because it's so far off. Not
> possible to do by softfork, no.
I think it is possible by softfork if we try hard enough?
> 1. The block timestamp may not be lower than the median of the last 11
> blocks'
> 2. The block time