thanks for you suggestion, Gijs.
I spent some time learning miniscript, and there are some problems that need to
confirm for me:
1. Is miniscript a brand new Bitcoin scripting language?
2. If I use miniscript, do I need to compile it into a Bitcoin OP_CODE script?
If so, how to do that ? has so
It is worth checking out Ivy lang Playground by Dan Robinson, but AFAIK, it's
not actively maintained. It compiles contracts to Bitcoin Script:
> On 24. Aug 2021, at 16:08, Andrew Poelstra via bitcoin-dev
> wrote:
> Simplicity does not compile to Bitcoin S
Hi Alekos,
>, a PSBT viewer and editor that runs in the browser
The PSBT editor looks good and will be helpful. Thanks for working on it. Would
love to see an option to switch between light and dark theme and highlighting
few things with different colors.
Maybe a similar project for
This has actually never been true (Sapio assumes extensions).
If the extensions are not present, you can stub them out with a signing
federation instead, configurable as flags, and you can also write many
contracts that do not use the ctv based components at all.
The protocol for emulation is a b
The "No Taproot" section of the Sapio docs need updating :) What are
your plans to take advantage of Taproot with Sapio? It would have been
interesting to see what a Taproot emulator would have looked like,
although no need for it now. It seems to me Taproot would have been
harder to emulate than C
(sending it again as I forgot to "reply-all", sorry for the spam!)
The easiest to do is output these UR QRs from your site, as there are
> multiple libraries in multiple languages to support them, but I also know
> that there are some major web-based transaction coordinator services also
> plannin
> Would love to see an option to switch between light and dark theme and
> highlighting few things with different colors.
Neither of us is particularly good at UI/UX stuff, but we can give it a
shot! :)
> Maybe a similar project for descriptors with options to experiment with
> descriptors wou
Will update those soon / in November. Sapio needs the rust Bitcoin taproot
ecosystem to mature, as well as a spec for miniscript taproot (altho we can
kinda monkey patch one in without it).
To be honest, I had some technical difficulties with getting Libera to work
and I gave up... But perhaps I c
One interesting thing I thought of: the cost of maintenance of the dust
creates a (very) small incentive to mine transactions that *use* dust
outputs with a slightly lower fee that contain dust, in order to reduce the
future maintenance cost for themselves. However, the rational discount
would like