[bitcoin-dev] Block weight penalty for UTXO set growth

2021-04-19 Thread yanmaani--- via bitcoin-dev
Bitcoin presently suffers from unconstrained UTXO set growth. It would be possible to disincentivize this and incentivize consolidating UTXOs by adding a block weight penalty for UTXO creation, and bonus for UTXO destruction: * For each block, calculate the net change in UTXOs. If all the tra

Re: [bitcoin-dev] BIP - limiting OP_RETURN / HF

2021-04-19 Thread yanmaani--- via bitcoin-dev
This has already been discussed and proposed in various papers and articles, typically to replace SHA-256d with something else. It basically works, but there's a some tiny issues: 1) Who goes first? If you first calculate the expensive PoW and then do a cheap SHA-256d around it, anyone can ma

Re: [bitcoin-dev] BIP - limiting OP_RETURN / HF

2021-04-19 Thread yanmaani--- via bitcoin-dev
If only one hash is allowed per block, then those who wish to utilize the hash will have to out-bid each other ("fee-bidding"). This hash can then be used to create another chain ("merged-mining") Merged mining at present only needs one hash for a merkle root, and that's stored in the coinbase