Hi ZmnSCPxj,
>If Alice is paying to a non-SAS aware payee
Yeah, I agree that this use case is not possible without a third
transaction (preferably from the timelocked side, in the case of SAS). My
point was merely that you can swap and simultaneously merge some of your
outputs into the post-swap
Hi Antoine,
I designed both APIs, so they definitely do share some similarities.
It's difficult to compare their performance directly, since
esplora-electrs keeps a full index of everything, while bwt tracks
your wallet addresses only.
If you're only interested in your wallet addresses and don't
I've finished specifying the full Succint Atomic Swap contract in TLA+.
I believe the specification [1] now covers all relevant behaviors of
the participants. It even has an option to enable 'non-rational'
behavior, so that it can be shown that the transactions that are there
to punish bad behavio