Re: [bitcoin-dev] Drivechain -- Request for Discussion

2017-06-18 Thread Chris Stewart via bitcoin-dev
>OP_RETURN I think it is redundant here to have the , we can implicitly assume what the sidechain_id is since we have a fixed set of drivechains. I.e. mining reward is index 0, mimblewimble sidechain is index 1, etc. CryptAxe has specific indexes defined already in his implementation: https://gi

Re: [bitcoin-dev] Drivechain RfD -- Follow Up

2017-06-18 Thread Tao Effect via bitcoin-dev
In Drivechain, 51% of miners have total control and ownership over all of the sidechain coins. The vision of Drivechain is to have many blockchains "plugged in" to the main chain. Today, well over 51% of miners are under the jurisdiction of a single government. Thus the effect of Drivechain ap

Re: [bitcoin-dev] Drivechain -- Request for Discussion

2017-06-18 Thread CryptAxe via bitcoin-dev
> >OP_RETURN > > I think it is redundant here to have the , we can > implicitly assume what the sidechain_id is since we have a fixed set > of drivechains. I.e. mining reward is index 0, mimblewimble sidechain > is index 1, etc. CryptAxe has specific indexes defined already in his > implementatio