>Bitcoin does not enjoy nearly the popularity that marijuana and guns do,
Marijuana is an individual activity. Precisely the problem with Bitcoin you
envision, where each one of us could be easily jailed.
Guns are quite different: they have NRA and judging by how successful it is at
fending _a
> Also, in the US, despite overwhelming resistance on a broad scale,
> legislation continues to be presented which would violate the 2nd amendment
> right to keep and bear arms.
And yet the proposed legislation goes nowhere, and the USA continues to
stand alone in having the first world's weake
Hi there,
replies in-line:
4. Do you ever stop and think: How much *money* was spent for everyone
to travel to Montreal, stay at their hotels, and to rent the conference
venue and broadcasting accommodations?
Not to mention that trying to solve a global issue with a conference
local to
Replying to this specific email only because it is the most recent in my
mail client.
Does this conversation have to happen on-list? It seems to have wandered
incredibly far off-topic.
On Sun, Sep 20, 2015 at 5:25 AM, Mike Hearn via bitcoin-dev <
bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote:
> A
>Does this conversation have to happen on-list? It seems to have wandered
>incredibly far off-topic.
How is this off-topic? This a fundamental decision, from which all the other
development decisions follow.
And apparently it's far from settled, with one part pulling in the direction of
Until this is settled, Bitcoin has no clear direction and developers cannot
make effective decisions:
How exactly do things set "settled" in this environment?
People looking at Bitcoin think a small group of developers and miners
"control" these decisions. Not sure if "control" is the right
It's amazing how foolish some people are to continue trusting governments
especially in light of recent history: a seemingly endless, Orwellian 'war
on terror', multiple regional conflicts often justified by fake evidence,
wholesale disregard of law and basic human covenants such as do not
Your reply has nothing to do with my comment. It looks like you just go
around posting wing nut stuff without regard to what is being discussed.
A proper threat model considers all possible threats and looks at the
probability of each.
Obviously from your comment you have no experience in th
Jorge Timón writes:
> I disagree with the importance of this concern and old soft/hardforks will
> replace this activation mechanism with height, so that's an argument in
> favor of using the height from the start. This is "being discussed" in a
> thread branched from bip99's discussion.
>Anyone who doesn't consider governments the proper threat model is either a
>shill or an idiot.
You meant to say "threat". This is what threat model is:
Nobody here discounts governments as a threat.
As to the "proper threat model", you can't constr
That's a simple fallacy, historically governments even hegemons, fail, in
fact it would be odd to assert that a government will not fail, therefore
ascribing godlike and limitless powers to a government is again the view of
either a shill or someone untutored in history.
On Sun, Sep 20, 2015 at 5:
You make a decent point...but please try to keep the discourse civil.
It's already hard enough trying to figure this stuff out without fanning
more flames.
-- Original Message --
From: "Steven Pine via bitcoin-dev"
To: "Milly Bitcoin"
Cc: bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.
Threat models can be developed for things like threats from governments.
The idea in developing a model is to put in the context of other
possible threats. For example, someone with a few million to burn can
easily crash the exchange rate or buy a couple core developers much
easier and cheape
Hash: SHA256
Nobody said anything about trusting the governments in the way such as
you describe.
No matter how much you want to disagree here, Mike Hearn is right on
some aspects. He only said that bitcoin needs to have larger user
base, more use cases, making
therefore ascribing godlike and limitless powers to a government is
again the view of either a shill or someone untutored in history.
Since nobody ever ascribed "godlike and limitless powers to a
government" on this list your comment has no bearing on anything
discussed here. I am sure the wh
-- Original Message --
From: "s7r via bitcoin-dev"
To: bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org
Sent: 9/20/2015 2:33:38 PM
Subject: Re: [bitcoin-dev] Scaling Bitcoin conference micro-report
The general threat model for which we want to scale is: larger user
(not necessarily by incre
Larger user base won't necessarily protect against governments if we
still have chokepoints they can go after.
Bitcoin will always have chokepoints governments can go after. Hackers
already targeted routers to divert mining traffic awhile back. Bitcoin
traffic is easily seen and blocked by
-- Original Message --
From: "Milly Bitcoin via bitcoin-dev"
To: bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org
Sent: 9/20/2015 3:02:32 PM
Subject: Re: [bitcoin-dev] Scaling Bitcoin conference micro-report
Larger user base won't necessarily protect against governments if we
still have chokep
Some of us have also been actively working towards developing
a more modular, layered architecture and better implementations that
will afford greater decentralization in software development with less
need for critical code reviews, less pushback from downstream developers
who must continuously r
-- Original Message --
From: "Milly Bitcoin via bitcoin-dev"
To: bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org
Sent: 9/20/2015 3:51:36 PM
Subject: Re: [bitcoin-dev] Scaling Bitcoin conference micro-report
Some of us have also been actively working towards developing
a more modular, layered
Mike wrote:
... Obama would like to restrict guns, but can't, because they are too
popular (in the USA).
... Governments tolerate this sort of abuse [black markets] only because
they believe, I think correctly, that Bitcoin can have great benefits for
their ordinary voters and for now are willing t
If it turns out that the blocksize divide is hinging on differing developer
views on the nature of the threat posed by governments, perhaps it would be
better to defer to people who specialize in that area. There are plenty of
them operating in the Bitcoin space. I am familiar with some of the Un
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