Not all people who have been stolen from believe that they have lost the
right and title to what has been stolen and in many cases they have not.
I do not excuse Bitcoin that it is impossible to have any individual
Bitcoin identified but also I do not care, if I receive Bitcoin honestly
I do no
At the moment it is indisputable that a particular satoshi cannot be
proven, an amount of Bitcoin is a bag of satoshi's and no-one can tell
which ones are any particular ones **so even if you used the system of
ordinals privately, and it might make interesting for research, I cannot
see that it
Well done, your bip looks well presented for discussion. You say to
number each satoshi created? For a 50 BTC block reward that is
5,000,000,000 ordinal numbers, and when some BTC is transferred to
another UTXO how do you determine which ordinal numbers, say if I create
a transaction to pay-to
Good Afternoon,
There is no such thing in Bitcoin as zeroconf but any individual may use
gossip from mempool if they choose it to prefer it could be possible a
transaction could exist in the future. You are talking about the
mempool. The mempool exists on gossip. There are no transactions unti
Good Afternoon,
You are right, of course, I did nothing to differentiate between the
privacy of the connection of the node, the identification of the public
IP of the node, and the suspected original of a transaction.
If I understand, the reason for only the originating node to rebroadcast
Good Afternoon,
Thank-you for your good work cataloguing and writing about the
contributions to Bitcoin.
It is that the solution to privacy is to use privacy-enhancing network
communications, such as TOR. I am not against a mechanism to rebroadcast
transactions more robustly if the mempool o
Good Afternoon,
'Avoiding a soft-fork' is a political concession. Consensus is none of
Great British Empire
The Australian
of Hougun Manor & Glencoe & British Empire
MR. Damian A. James Williamson
et al.
Good Afternoon,
Talk about the present and the future is misguided if it concludes that
the decentralisation of a project itself is responsible even if the
operation of the project is to produce a specification, and a software
capable of performing transactions in a decentralised manner. There
Good Afternoon,
I am certain that as soon as we identify solutions they should be
implemented. Basic life skills assert that procrastination is always a
form of failure, where we could have realised and accomplished further
yet we waited and in our present state could not ascertain what was in