Allowing a "no-RBF" flag serves only to fool new users into believing that
0-conf is more secure than it is. There is already too much confusion about
this point.
In Bitcoin was assume that miners are profit-maximizing agents, and so we
must assume that (flag or not) miners will replace transactio
I agree with Greg. What is happening is a cause for celebration: it is the
manifestation of our long-desired fee market in action. That people are
willing to pay upwards of $100 per transaction shows the huge demand to
transact on the world's most secure ledger. This is what success looks
like, f
Thank you for the proposal Wang Chung!
It is clear that, spam aside, blocks are getting full and we need increase
them soon. What I don't like about your proposal is it forces all node
operators to implicitly accept larger blocks in 2020, even maybe against
their will. 32 MB blocks might result in