Thanks for the reply.
The way we would do it is:
Let's say we have 3 cold keys for multisig: A B and C
Whose xpubs are: xA xB and xC
We all sign each other's xpubs, whose signatures are:
We can then create a wallet that says "when verifying change with 0x01
Hello all,
Just wanted to pick your brains about an idea for PSBT extension.
One problem we try to solve with cold -> warm and warm -> hot sends for our
exchange wallet is "How do I know that the address I am sending to is not a
hacker's address that was swapped in between unsigned tx creation an
I have a comment about the 'input_index' of the transaction digest for
taproot signatures. It is currently listed as 2 bytes. I think it would
be better to expand that to 4 bytes.
The two byte limit is derived from the block size / weight limit, which
limits the maximum size of a transaction, whi