[Bit-team] [Bug 406092] Re: Deleted Files are stored in snapshots forever

2010-01-22 Thread Fifoxtasy
WARNING: Command "rsync -aEHAX --delete-excluded -i --dry-run --chmod=Da+w --delete --exclude="/media/Extern/Backups" --exclude="/home/philipp/.local/share/backintime" --include="/home/philipp/" --include="/home/" --include="/media/Data/Fotos/" --include="/media/Data/" --include="/media/" --

[Bit-team] [Bug 406092] Re: Deleted Files are stored in snapshots forever

2010-01-22 Thread cliff6056
*" --exclude="[Cc]ache*" --exclude=".thumbnails*" --exclude="[Tt]rash*" --exclude="*.backup*" --exclude="*~" --exclude="home/cliff/.VirtualBox*" --include="/ho

[Bit-team] [Bug 406092] Re: Deleted Files are stored in snapshots forever

2010-01-22 Thread Dan
Strange, I just tested and it works for me. If you have the time please do this: 1. create a 'foo' file in one of your included directories 2. take a snapshot (and check that the new file is in the snapshot) 3. remove 'foo' file 4. run 'backintime -b" from command line (and check the new snapshot s