I've just checked out your code.
I think the big difference is that my code keeps the socket open and uses
it for multiple queries while yours connects, sends one query, fetches the
result and closes the socket.
The issue never happens for the first query.
It takes ~50 queries before bird resets t
I had similar experience when wrote LG for bird.
I don`t have any problems. You can try my code, it is avail at
With best regards, Dmitry S. Nikolaev
Moscow, Russia
phone: +7 (499) 678 8007 [ext. 6003]
fax: +7 (499) 678 8007 [ext. ]
www: http://www.mega-net.ru
Hello bird users,
I'm running bird 1.6.3 on ubuntu 16.04 as kind of a route server.
I wrote a piece of software that connects to the bird control-socket and
runs queries against it like this: "show route all for x.y.z.a protocol
The software keeps the socket open and executes the queries in