if the pid of bird6 is 123, run (as root)
strace -p 123 -o /tmp/bird6.strace.out
and then send in the bird6.strace.out.
strace uses the same hooks gdb uses but doesnt stop the process.
The outfile will contain all the system calls and their args from the process
in real time as it is running.
If built with symbols, after it has gotten into the CPU busy-loop, use gdb
to attach to it, ala:
gdb /usr/local/sbin/bird6 `ps -C bird6 -o pid=`
then "bt for a stack trace, possibly showing where stuck.
"cont" to continue and then another control-c to check again.
Do this a few
I just tried downgrading from 1.4.5 to 1.4.4, using the 1.4.4-1~bpo70+1
Debian package from http://bird.network.cz/?download&tdir=debian/
The result is the same, bird6 also freezes periodically with version 1.4.4.
By the way, I think I ruled out the possibility that a particular BGP peer
is sendi