SPF record with include:

2013-06-17 Thread Julie Xu
Hi I be asked to add: include:otheremailsrv.otherdomain so the TXT records will be looked like: TXT "v=spf1 mx include:otheremailsrv.otherdomain ~all" Question, from my limited research, I have not found any e

RE: SPF record with include:

2013-06-20 Thread Julie Xu
advice on if the DKIM records will impact the email service which related to mx related environment? Thousands thanks for advice Julie -Original Message- From: Steven Carr [mailto:sjc...@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, 18 June 2013 4:11 PM To: Julie Xu Cc: bind-users@lists.isc.org Subject: Re

named can not find the zone file

2015-07-02 Thread Julie Xu
named"; # Could anyone give me some tip, how to fix this two error? Any comments will be appreciated Thanks in advance Julie Xu . ___ Please visit https://lists.isc.org/mailman/listinfo/bind-users to unsubscribe from this list bind-users ma

question regards to dynamic dns update

2015-11-11 Thread Julie Xu
Hi Could I ask a question? I have a subnet, which all the equipment has static ip address recorded to machine. For the purpose of getting these subnet controlled, I would like to use dynamic dns update. After I read some bind information, it looks like most configure example is use dhcp/ddns

Re: question regards to dynamic dns update

2015-11-11 Thread Julie Xu
Thanks for the reply. But, my subnet do not use dhcp. Can they still get dynamic DNS? Julie > On 11 Nov 2015, at 9:01 pm, Reindl Harald wrote: > > >> Am 11.11.2015 um 10:55 schrieb Julie Xu: >> Could I ask a question? I have a subnet, which all the equipment has

RE: dns search list

2016-01-28 Thread Julie Xu
Hi As I understand that dns search option 119 is not work with MS client. But, I do need make a dns search list to ask MS client search a dns list. Could anyone advice me except group policy, do I have anyway to achive this point by change something in bind? Any comments will be appreciated

Question abut reserv zone

2018-02-12 Thread Julie Xu
hich we are the master. Both are A record. What will happen if I create second reverse zoon for 100.10.in-addr-arp? Is my current app.abc.edu.au<http://app.abc.edu.au> will lose? If it is true, do I have anyway to work around? Any comments w

dhcp failover is not working as expecte

2018-05-02 Thread Julie Xu
Hi, I have dhcpd running on two servers. Share the load 50%. I expect if one of the servers has issue, another one will automatically take over for all 100% clients. But, the fact is not. When one of them down, or frozen, half of users had lose network without ip address. My configuration is: