Re: MX is a numeric IP

2009-05-21 Thread Kevin Darcy
Tech W. wrote: What will be happened if a MX is an numeric IP? for example, # dig mx +short 10 It's syntactically valid. But, since there is no "125" top-level domain, or, obviously, any subdomains of of that domain, semantically it's incorrect. To put it

Re: MX is a numeric IP

2009-05-21 Thread Scott Haneda
On May 20, 2009, at 11:33 PM, "Tech W." wrote: What will be happened if a MX is an numeric IP? From a DNS perspective, You may or may not get an error in reload. I have seen both cases where I do a lookup and get an ip. I have seen cases where the DNS server will complain. From a MTA's (

MX is a numeric IP

2009-05-20 Thread Tech W.
What will be happened if a MX is an numeric IP? for example, # dig mx +short 10 Thanks. Need a Holiday? Win a $10,000 Holiday of your choice. Enter now.