Re: Can't create Symbol Table

2011-07-25 Thread harish badrinath
Hello, On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 4:11 PM, Vignesh Gadiyar wrote: > Hi, > ../../lib/dns/libdns.a(rdataset.o): In function `towiresorted': > /home/user1r/bind-9.8.0-P2/lib/dns/rdataset.c:500: undefined reference to > `custom_order_api' Change Makefile rules to tell gcc, when its compiling rdataset.o,

Can't create Symbol Table

2011-07-25 Thread Vignesh Gadiyar
Hi, I have created a customized ordering similar to random and cyclic. I have compiled named and it didn't give me any problem. But it is failing to create symbol table for dig. I have included the prototypes in header files but still i'm getting some error like- export BASEOBJS="dig.o dighost.o "