> To check whether BIND is your problem simply run "dig -t MX " on
> the host that is trying to send the email to your mail host. If it returns
> the right IP address for your mail host then BIND isn't the problem.
I can't do this because I tried to send it from gmail.
> As Jeff Lightner said, t
I'm using Postfix.
I can send / receive emails from / to localhost via telnet. [1]
But I can't receive emails from another machine.
I guess that there are three variants:
1. Postfix doesn't work properly;
2. Bind doesn't work properly;
3. IPTables doesn't work properly.
I can't be 100% su
> Check the 'allow-transfer' option in your named.conf.
I don't have this option.
Should I include it?
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dig .in-addr.arpa. AXFR outputs "Transfer failed."
I've already checked "netstat -anp." Looks OK.
dig works.
sudo named-checkzone /etc/bind/db. outputs "OK."
sudo named-checkzone .in-addr.arpa. /etc/bind/db.
outputs "OK" too.
What should I check?
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