how to reduce unnecessary lots of AAAA queries?

2012-03-03 Thread MontyRee
Hello, all. I have operated some centos 5.3 (x86_64) linux servers. when I tcpdump the dns query, I can see lots of AAA queries from my linux servers. and ServFail response from DNS server. surely, I don't use ipv6 and "NETWORKING_IPV6=no" was configured at /etc/sysconfig/network file. How

which NS record will be cached?

2012-01-12 Thread MontyRee
Hi, all. I have one question about NS cache ttl. for example, I can get two different NS TTL like below.  $ dig ns +trace 172800  IN  NS 172800  IN  NS 172800 

curious CNAME answer?

2010-02-04 Thread MontyRee
Hello, all. I have some curious question. below is a part of zone file at master dns( www IN CNAME www.down down IN NS wehn I dig query like below at server, $ dig

RE: clients-per-query message is harmful or not?

2009-12-28 Thread MontyRee
So thanks for your kind reply. I'm curious the meaning of "given name". if clients query like below, # zone above queries are same query or diffferent one? and is there any method that which name queries are much?

clients-per-query message is harmful or not?

2009-12-22 Thread MontyRee
Hello, all. my system is centos 4.x, bind 9.5.1-P3 and only recursion is allowed from some ranges. I can see lots of messages like below. so if I didn't set any clients-per-query value,some clients' queries may be droppped or not? If some queries can be dropped,I want to set like "clients-pe

which information is cached?

2009-12-06 Thread MontyRee
Hello, all. I have one question about chached information. If I have domain and let's assume registered like below. 1. root dns 3600IN NS 3600IN NS but my dns

RE: how to defense against ddos attack to dns?

2009-11-20 Thread MontyRee
?I think that just denying the recursion is not sufficient.  Please share your experiences and opinions. Thanks. > To: > CC: > From: > Subject: Re: how to defense against ddos attack to dns? > Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 12:19:53

how to defense against ddos attack to dns?

2009-11-16 Thread MontyRee
Hello, all. I have operated some dns servers and I'm curious what should I do if ddos attck to my dns servers. So do you know how to defense against dns dddos attack like root server? Surely, various ddos attack may be occurred. My idea is.. -. filtering 53/udp traffic that the byte

zone transfer problem when using view?

2009-08-06 Thread MontyRee
Hello, all. I have four offices and set different 4 views at named.conf. When I see zone transfer, only some zones are zone-transfered but othere not at slave. Some say, notify-source statement is required and must be multi-homed to solve this problem. then I should set 4 alias ip address

RE: Questions: BIND Dynamic Update DoS

2009-08-03 Thread MontyRee
> The dynamic update vulnerability affects all BIND 9 versions, but what > about BIND 8? Is it not affected or not tested? As I know, there is no effect at bind 8 version. Thanks. _ 메신저 10살 생일도 축하해 주시고,이벤트도 참여하세요~! http://im.

RE: what to do after received multiple NS record?

2009-05-20 Thread MontyRee
So thanks for your kind answer. >> 2. if client received NS records( and >> from root servers, how to check which DNS is fast or slow? > > only by sending queries and seeing reply. But if I tested, I can't find any related packets. after flushing the all

what to do after received multiple NS record?

2009-05-19 Thread MontyRee
Hello, all. If client executes recursive query, client will receive some NS records like below. $ dig IN NS IN NS if is

about DNAME question

2009-04-27 Thread MontyRee
Hello, all. Thanks for kind answering for DNAME. I have additional questions for DNAME. If I set like below, IN IP addreess of is 1. if client resolver use bind 8 or below old version. What would be happen?

How to forward domain totally not using CNAME?

2009-04-27 Thread MontyRee
Hello, all. I would like to CNAME like below. IN But I know that this is wrong. then, is there any way or solution to solve this problem? I searched and found that below is a similar solution. * IN CNAME

lots of AAAA query, why?

2008-12-07 Thread MontyRee
Hello, all. I operated bind dns(9.x) when I see the query log, I can see like below. First query and query A again. named[6252]: client query: IN + named[6252]: client query: IN A + As I know, is an ip