hello guys,
the basic is i like to create my own webmail,
and read from /var/spool/mail
i've already create the script to split and etc...
but the problem is if i login as another user i cannot read from
/var/spool/mail because the permission script...
what i like to ask is...
how to change t
does anybody can help me...
the script below has been change 'chown root.root checklogin.pl'
## Start Script ###
$passwdfile = "/etc/shadow";
open (PASSWD, $passwdfile) or exit 1; # Always exit when we running not as root
while (defined($line = )) {
($usr,$pswd) = (split(/
hi all,
i'm reading at cpan.org using a module CfgTie::TieShadow
how to use it...?
i'm newbie here...
what should i add at the top of a script before i can use the
> Hello hengky,
> Do you realy need the password ot the user ? In your script,
oke thx RaFaL,
I'm trying to create the web base mail,
first thing to do is i'll like to create the authentication user first.
ok by simple does anybody using mailman...
i've been try to look at the script and i still don't understand how the
mailman login to another mailserver... if anybody ha
i'm like to create a webbase mail... but while i reading at
it's not a valid user at the system, so how do i change the userid &
groupid as the user login prompt ?
i'm using seteuid, setuid, setpgrp but still not working... the uid & gid
still nobody
Please help me..