I am trying to prevent generic crashes going to the browser in my
CGI program. I am using :
use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser';
and eventually I will use a set_message. However I have a
strange problem in that the following subroutine, if there are
errors on the statement execution, it does not send
Is there a way to print a 'button' input type without a label next to it
using the FormBuilder object? I can't find the right combination.
I always wind up with this
Next |Next |
and what I want is
|Next |
Try this:
$form->submit( -name => 'Next',
-value => 'Next',
Swap submit out for hte various types of buttons. Reset, and what not.
- Original Message -
From: "Rob Benton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>