On Wednesday 10 Mar 2004 9:27 pm, B. Fongo wrote:
> I'm trying to implement cgi sessions with Apache::Session and found
> myself contemplating on a method to pass session id to my script.
> I'll appreciate if someone experienced could help me out of that - by
> giving
I'm trying to implement cgi sessions with Apache::Session and found
myself contemplating on a method to pass session id to my script.
I'll appreciate if someone experienced could help me out of that - by
giving any pros and cons on the following methods:
1. URL
2. Hidde
I usually use Session::Apache for that. It will allow for the creation of
session ID's, storing data, and retreival of data. You will need to set up
a table in a database, and then put some code in each page to fetch the
session ID from the querystring or cookie so that it can initializ
i see in most PHP powered sites values like SID=02304028lkbah234, which is the
session id in most cases, is there any way to do the same in PERL?
Hytham Shehab