Title: RE: parsing a domain name out of an email address
I think the following page could help you.
-Original Message-
From: Rand Cufley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 12:55 PM
To: 'Eric Peers'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: parsing a domain name
Hi Eric,
I believe you need a blank line after the email header before you start your
message body.
-Original Message-
From: Eric Peers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: parsing a domain name out of an
Thank you. That helped get the script to compile. Neither file is being
opened, but that me be a permissions issue. I've expanded the code out a
bit (and made a correction to the if/then statement):
my $EmailAddress = $to;
if ($EmailAddress =~ (/^\w+\@aol\.com$/i)) {
my $msg =
ject: parsing a domain name out of an email address
> I'm attempting to parse a domain name out of a email address with the
> following code:
> my $EmailAddress = $to;
> if ($EmailAddress =~ (/^\w+\@aol\.com)$/i){
> my $msg = "/www/docs/sips_mar0
I'm attempting to parse a domain name out of a email address with the
following code:
my $EmailAddress = $to;
if ($EmailAddress =~ (/^\w+\@aol\.com)$/i){
my $msg = "/www/docs/sips_mar02aol.txt";
} else
my $msg = "/www/docs/sips_mar02.html";
Being new to regular