Sawsan Sarandah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Greetings,
: In a checkbox form, how can I change the
: attribute for the "label" text below to Arial
: instead of the default?
The is deprecated. Use stylesheets (CSS)
or use the 'style' attribute.
: $cgi->checkbox(-name=>'checkboxname',-v
Sawsan Sarandah wrote:
> Greetings,
> In a checkbox form, how can I change the attribute for the "label"
> text below to Arial instead of the default?
> $cgi->checkbox(-name=>'checkboxname',-value=>'turned on',-label=>"I want
> Arial here");
As far as I know the label is not part of the
In a checkbox form, how can I change the attribute for the "label"
text below to Arial instead of the default?
$cgi->checkbox(-name=>'checkboxname',-value=>'turned on',-label=>"I want
Arial here");
Thank you.
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