Hey folks,
We don't need to have these sort of comments and flames to the list. I
had emailed this person off list to give him other ways to unsubscribe
(and have not heard back). Many times, people seem to try to
unsubscribe from email addresses which aren't the ones subscribed to
the list. Alth
You guys are being very childish.. I myself have sent an e-mail to the
unsubscribe e-mail address on another of my names and it has yet to
unsubscribe that e-mail ... so maybe you should realize that it "may not be
working correctly" and not just assume that someone is stupid And yes he
Very clever! But what's really scary is his e-mail address. "@us.army.mil" How nice,
an army guy that hasn't figured out how to unsubscribe from an e-mail list. I hope he
isn't the dude that holds his finger above the nuke button.
John Pitchko
Data Services
Saskatchewan Government Insurance
Troy, et al --
...and then Troy May said...
% LOL This cracked me up! :)
Happy to be of service :-)
Thanks & HAND
David T-G * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
LOL This cracked me up! :)
-Original Message-
From: David T-G [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 3:51 PM
To: perl beginners cgi
Cc: Buskirk, Richard Mr USAREC
Subject: Re: REMOVE ME from your mailing list!
Mr. Buskirk --
and then Buskirk, Richard Mr
Mr. Buskirk --
...and then Buskirk, Richard Mr USAREC said...
% i have done everything but beg and i dont want to recieve this again!
I am sorry to hear of your difficulties unsubscribing. Subscribing to
and unsubscribing from mailing lists are extremely delicate technical
procedures and sho
Did you read where it says,
"To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"???
Or try mailing the admin?
John Pitchko
Data Services
Saskatchewan Government Insurance
>>> "Buskirk, Richard Mr USAREC" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 08/13/02 07:14am >>>
i have