I took Joel Hughes's suggestion and downloaded HttpTracer.
It displays both sides of a session and should let me understand what to do.
Already sent my shareware fee in.
I appreciate everyone's replies. As I learn more about Perl and CGI, will
work on understanding the mod_perl and HTTP::DA
Hi Hewlett,
on windows I typically use HttpTracer to intercept headers; basically you
set up IE to use HttpTracer as a proxy and then HttpTracer shows you all the
HTTP info.
Its shareware and I think I had to pay a nominal fee after using it for a
while. You can get HttpTracer from http://www.con
> -Original Message-
> From: Hewlett Pickens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 7:01 PM
> Subject: How To Display Browser Headers
> Does anyone know of a way to get Microsoft's Internet
> Explorer to display
> the HTTP headers it t
This may not be the best answer, cause I'm just learning CGI/Perl myself...
but I've ran into that same error in the last couple days, and this is what
I do to fix it...
Make sure you have "use CGI qw(:cgi);" included in your script, and after
you've done whatever you need to do with the HTTP h