GNU Emacs for Windows NT/9x/2000:
+ can show line number
+ can show date/time
+ has a lot of mode editing (for almost all languages known)
+ has color highlight
+ deal with indentation
+ can edit via ftp
+ deal with different line break conventions
+ can open a lot of fil
GNU Emacs for Windows NT and Windows 95
> Can anyone recommend a decent Text editor for windows 98 that I can use for
> CGI scripts. Notepad seems to show the carriage returns all of a sudden and
> this is creating problems just trying to g
> sub ldapsearch {
> $ldap_con = new Net::LDAPapi($ldap_host);
> if ($ldap_con == -1) { "Unable to Open LDAP Connection to $ldap_host"; }
Shouldn't the line above be:
warn "Unable to Open LDAP Connection to $ldap_host" if ($ldap_con == -1);
die "Unable to Open LDAP Connection to
ot;, $freespace;
> printf "$shipsize bytes being shipped.\n";
> Here is the output:
> -1012379648 bytes free in smh4:/var/tmp
> 359731200 bytes being shipped.
> ???
> CC
> - Original Message -
> From: "Vinicius Jose Lat
D]> wrote:
> Nothing is working, I have tried every permutation.
> %20s
> %-20s
> %20d
> %-20d
> In fact, what you just suggested caused the number to display as a negative.
> Any ideas??
> -CC
> - Original Message -
> From: &qu
printf "%10d bytes", $x;
-- Chuck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Arg, I am going crazy. Ok, it has been a long time since I was kneee deep in
> perl, but why does this not work:
> printf "%-10d bytes", $x;
> It does not pad the output with spaces or anything.
Andy Westlake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bit of an odd one but I need to know how many regular files there are on our
> system so I knocked together a little script, see below. Only problem is it
> seems to run out of memory as its running.
> Any thoughts on how I could improve it would be ve
e is where you spend
most time.
If your criteria is learning, well, maybe time should not be a strong concern.
Vinicius Jose Latorre
CPqD - Telecom & IT Solutions
voice : +55 19 3705 6678
fax: +55 19 3705 6786
--- perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(
A TABLE FOR EACH ROW: (Not used at the moment)
> while(@row = $query->fetchrow_array()) {
> print $cgi->table({-border=>'1'},
>Tr({-align=>LEFT, -valign=>MIDDLE},
> td({-bgcolor=>green,-width=>'150'},["$row[0]","$row[1]","$row[2]","$row[3]"])
> );
> print $cgi->end_table;
> }
> --
> --
> James Kelty
> Sr. Unix Systems Administrator
> The Ashland Agency
Vinicius Jose Latorre
CPqD - Telecom & IT Solutions
Timothy Kimball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Brett W. McCoy wrote:
> : On Sat, 16 Jun 2001, Steve Howard wrote:
> :
> : > Can someone point me to an example of a completely Object Oriented CGI
> : > script. The Perldoc examples are procedural, but there must be a good OOP
> : > example somewher
WebMaster AIM-US <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Another option is to put the JavaScript in the text file, and have Perl
> read from that file, and print it directly. This means you can re-use the
> JavaScript code in other similar script without needing to edit each script
> whe
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