The problem description is s follows :
Well i have made a program that sends mails thru sendmail.
earlier the content type was text/html
now i have made the content type text/plain acoording to the reqments.
but the problem i am getting is in hyperlinks.
now i want the hyperlink to be show
I also dont know whether its possible or not!
any suggestions !
I have a html page which has many hyperlinks.
Now each hyperlink at present calls another html page that has two
frames(horizontally).Ist frame is same for all links.
Now second frame is also same but has many bookmarks. I wa
I have a html page which has many hyperlinks.
Now each hyperlink at present calls another html page that has two
frames(horizontally).Ist frame is same for all links.
Now second frame is also same but has many bookmarks. I want that on clicking difft.
hyperlinks they should lead to their
Well,I have a HTML form which is calling a perl script.In form there is a multiple
selector box ,now when 2-3 lines are selected each is passed with the same name and
different value pair.
How to capture all values by parameter name
ie there are name = value1
name = value2
name= value3
Hello ,
The problem goes like this-
value of $mailids is coming from previous perl script
if($emailids eq ' ' || $emailids eq '@' || $emailids eq '.' || $emailids !~ /..+/ )
print <<"enter";
Content-type : text/html
#invokes the same perl script with the
- Original Message -
From: Rahul Garg
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 11:04 AM
Subject: HTML related
Hello ,
What i want is a hyperlink after activated once get disabled..
I am using HTML/PERL
Can i use onClick event of
Hello Everybody,
I want to know the names of Linux Beginners mailing list as good as this one of Perl.
Waiting for Reply,
Hello Everybody,
One of the files is not opening.Couldnt get WHY...possibly U
the same program i am running independently on telnet with command line arguments , is
running perfectlybut thru browser its not working..the problem its giving