Wiggins d'Anconia wrote:
So since you are not using the OOP interface to CGI, you need to tell
Perl to bring the functions into the local namespace so you can use them
in the way you are, so something like:
use CGI qw/:standard/; # load standard CGI routines
Should help matters greatl
Wiggins d'Anconia wrote:
In the following line you need a 'my' to give the variable scope
$mail = Mail::Internet->new(Header => $head,
Body => [$body],
Modify => 1);
Ok, I did that and now I'm getting this error
Wiggins d'Anconia wrote:
Phillip Bruce wrote:
Wiggins d'Anconia wrote:
Thanks for the suggestions. Now I get totally different error. I ran
this on the command line and get following:
% ./survey.cgi
Content-type: text/html
Substitution replacement not terminated at ./survey.c
Wiggins d'Anconia wrote:
Phillip Bruce wrote:
I have the following form that I use as survey I that I'm
building for my web site.
Now here is the CGI script I've written so far.
use Mail::Internet;
use strict; # always
use warnings; # usually,
I have the following form that I use as survey I that I'm
building for my web site.
Are you a new cutomer or a returning customer?
New Customer
ing Customer
How did you learn about Peggy's Health Center?
Web Site