> 1- Remove all the leading 000 from any field like acct# = 00037839842
> should be 37939842 and Post# should be 1980
> 2- Want to format dates like birth = 02151956 should be 02/15/1956
my $date = "$1/$2/$3/" if (/(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d\d\d)/)
Paul Kraus
List correct me if I am wrong but you can use single quotes here because
your not using any variables. You are passing exactly what you see. In
fact this is the preferred way to write strings that do not contain
variables or special characters. Correct?
-Original Message-
Is this a windows system? Try
System('perl sendfile.pl ons4jlb')
Also go to the directory of the source script and from the command line
type sendfile.pl ons3jlb and see if it works. You may have to include
the path. On my system I can't pass anything into a perl script with out
prefixing perl to
Pass it as a referance.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
@sample_array = ('hi', 'there', 'steve');
$sample_array_ref = \@sample_array;
exit 0;
my $local_ref = $_[0];
foreach (@{$local_ref}){
print "string = $_\n";
You can also clean the c
print "$name:\n";
foreach $value ($q->param($name)){
print "\t$value\n";
Paul Kraus
Network Administrator
PEL Supply Company
216.267.5775 Voice
216-267-6176 Fax
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