Ok listen im trying to fin all the direcotries that
are in a folder, I mean everyone. But for some reason
this only prints out the first folder and not the sub
my @alldir = finddir("$config{home}$user{site_id}");
print $_, "\n" for @alldir;
sub finddir {
my $root = shift;
sub uploadfile {
for ($i=1; $i<=5; $i++) {
if ($q->param("file$i")) {
$file = $q->param("file$i");
$format_left = format_size($left);
if (($left - (length($file))) < 0) {
&inerror("You are out of space in
your $format_l
for some reason when, I do this it doesnt print any
thing, it just makes the file.
sub uploadfile {
for ($i=1; $i<=5; $i++) {
if ($q->param("file$i")) {
$filename = $q->param("file$i");
$file = $q->param("file$i");
$filename =~ s/.*[\/\\]//;
open (FILE,">$us
using the stat function, say I was using $stat[9],
which displays the time of the file, how would I make
it just display the date. Month-DayofMonth-Year
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Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup
open(USER, "user.dat");
@user = ;
Ok thats my textfile and this is how I usually read
through the lines
foreach $line (@user) {
($name, $site, $site_id, $des, $email,
$pass) = split(/\|/,$line);