Hi everyone
I am trying to learn Perl looking into some scripts.
One of them has a regular expression inside.
First of all, I need to know what two specific lines are doing. The code is
$req =~ s/\r//g ;
$req =~ s/([^\n]{72,72})\n([^\n]{1,71})\n([^\n]{1,71})$/$1\n$2$3/
I know they are
Another question: how can I redirect a Perl script to another page?
For example: I submit a for to a page called "receive.pl". In "receive.pl" I
process the given information the way I want and then I send the user to a
place like http://www.internic.com
Does anyone knows how can I do that?
Please, I really, really need some help.
I need to know how to connect to a Database (SQL Server, running under
Windows 2000) throught a Perl CGI(running under Linux).
I want to select some registries and update another ones.
Is there anybody that knows if thats possible?
Thanks in advance.