exellent Jenda .. thats spot on.
exactly what i was looking for.
thanx to you all for your help it was much apreciated
Kris G Findlay
- Original Message -
From: "Jenda Krynicky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ow can i apply a regex to replace " with ' to all data wich is
retrieved using CGI module.
Kris G Findlay
- Original Message -
From: "Nikola Janceski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 2:18 PM
ields breacking when a " is included within the data
can anyone suggest an alternative or solution ?
all help is much apreciated !! thanks
Kris G Findlay
Web / Software Developer
hi guys,
the problem i have is this.
i am running the UK Adhesions Society Website being non profit and with
little funding our present server is capable of
* perl/cgi
* ssi
* html/shtml
and we cant afford to upgrade the server at present.
the site is about t
i have an Ms Access DB and need to use it on a linux web server !!
does anyone know how i can go about converting it to Mysql or suchlike ??
as it is quite large. !!
Kris G Findlay
hey Ginn !!
fancy seeing you here !!
check out this perl ircbot at http://www.infobot.org/
Kris G Findlay
( Ghost-Hunter )
-Original Message-
From: Ginntonnik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 18
ing is it possible to use a MS Access Db on a linux server eg
> my host webfusion !?
> and if yes what modules would i need ??
> cheers in advance !!
> [-------]
> Kris G Findlay
> [---]
You can't run the MS
i was wondering is it possible to use a MS Access Db on a linux server eg my
host webfusion !?
and if yes what modules would i need ??
cheers in advance !!
Kris G Findlay