i'm not familiar w/ DBI and MySQL, but I do use DBD::Sybase and those
drivers are on the client. i guess you might need to install the necessary
MySQL DBI modules on the web server. do a syntax check of your CGI script
with "-c" before running your CGI program, and maybe print out the vars in
definitely go with emacs and use "perl-mode" then "font-lock-mode" if you
want syntax highlighting.
At 03:51 PM 6/24/02 +, Francesco Scaglioni wrote:
>From: "Octavian Rasnita" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: What editor for Perl do you recommend?
>Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 08:06:40 +0300
> > H
good catch. my mistake. i wrote this snippet before going to a quick meeting.
At 11:31 PM 6/11/02 +0200, Janek Schleicher wrote:
>Jonathan Gines wrote at Tue, 11 Jun 2002 17:29:38 +0200:
> > ...
> > # read data
> > #
> > $foo{$data]++; #count data. new valu
when you're reading the data, create a hash such that each value is
incremented when more than one instance is read. what happens is that key
value pairs are "values and counts' of each value.
my %foo = ();
# read data
$foo{$data]++; #count data. new values = 1, previously read values a