How can I call a function from my main script file located in a seperate file i.e. for
instance a reusable piece of code that will generate the index of my site without
having to copy the code to every singe page that I generate?
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I'm trying to build a dynamic piece of code that generates a HTML view like a year
planner for all employees in the company all on one page. My appraoch is to use 2
Quesries, the first getting all the active employee names and the second then
determines the dates of absence and plot that on a 36
The ASCII code for a formfeed is 12 so you should be able to embed that in a string as
'\xC' I haven't tried it myself but it works for newlines and carriege returns.
-Original Message-
From: Theresa Mullin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 15:53
See more about split using: perldoc -f split
Jattie van der Linde
-Original Message-
From: Jamie Bridges [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 19:08
Subject: parsing text files ...
i have admittedly been lurking for awhile on this list
what happens with the output of : or die "$DBI::errstr\n";
Would this print out on the HTML page or does this section generate the error log? is
there some other error log that will show my error message outputting the HTML page?
c syntax equivalent: printf ("%3.0f",Value); /*if value = 123.456 result would be 123*/
What is the equivalent perl command outputting a floating point number without
decimals. I read telephone from the database and they print as 6704046.0 I want to get
rid of the .0
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