The following message was sent by fliptop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Thu, 11 Jul
2002 11:11:01 -0400.
> David Gerler wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am trying to setup mail filters on my domain that is on a virtual host.
> > I have a copy of TPJ #18 (Summer 2000) a
attempted to use find on
the server without any luck.
If anybody has any input. I would appreciate it.
David Gerler
Gerler Enterprises
PO BOX 16357
Chesapeake VA 23328
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I want to write a script to handle emails sent to a specific address. I want
it to respond in specific ways. My problem is I don't know where to start.
Where can I get documentation about this? Recommended books maybe.
David Gerler
Gerler Enterprises
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