re some central variable in Linux which gives the character set used?
I ask, because I seem to have this problem all over. Nedit or Vim cannot
display diacritics, even the console has problems.
Kind regards
Anette Seiler
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library system.
Thanks again
Anette Seiler
At 21:42 12.12.02, Peter Kappus wrote:
Yup...I'm afraid this isn't possible within a browser (for security reasons)
but you could easily build a simple perl client that would (using LWP) make
a request to a CGI and save the result locally. The pro
out ftp or something like that.
Well, as I said, it is the downloading part that I don't know how to do.
Can it be done with perl or should I look at something else - maybe javascript?
Anette Seiler
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