access to the sendmail program, but I do not.
Any solutions or even suggestions are more than welcome and would be greatly
Alan F Larimer Jr
Personal Web Site
See what my day is like
AwFuL, Jr. Productions
Build a man a fire, he wi
> end_html;
> the following output gets produced:
> Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
> PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
> "";>
> cgi_pm_test.cgi
> en
gt; {
0 => "?",
1 => "1",
"1 1/2" => "1 1/2",
2 => "2",
-DEFAULT => 1,
print e
If you have any
questions and/or would like some code on how to store these things to local
files, just e-mail me directly and I will toss something at you as quickly as
I have time to code and test it. Have fun!
Alan F. Larimer, Jr. a man a fi
> I am also not using my $var=""
> because my cgi class did not teach me how and I haven't found the
> time to incorporate my knowledge from my recently-taken Intro to Perl
> class. Some pontification on the usage my $var="" would be great.
> As well as the appropriate usage of "&&" and "and"
ilar form and script pair. You're welcome to check it
out at to see if you
might be interested in seeing my code. If you like it, let me know and
I'll send the sources.
Alan F. Larimer, Jr.