in article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Michael Kelly at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
wrote on 4/4/02 6:08 PM:
> On 4/4/02 3:00 AM, Adam Bartley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Easy. Mac, Windows and Unix all use different endings to their lines. The
>> Mac uses *both* the PC and the
I'm having problems with the old "Internal Server Error" issue. I know that
this is generally due to permissions. I have used chmod go+rx -R *, but no
joy. The html now works but not the cgi. Thoughts?
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in article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Pedro A Reche
Gallardo at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 4/4/02 1:58 AM:
> Hi, I have found that when I upload files from a Mac and Windows the
> return character (maybe other characters too) are replaced by something
> else. Does any one know how to avoid this? or alter