Basically I had the script written like Tom suggested with a or die for this
command but it was terminating the program. I used the if/else so I could
print out all my variables to debug.
I changed it again so the snippet in questions is as follows:
my $u = Win32::OLE->GetObject($ADsPath)
Well, I know nothing about this OLE class, but this seems strange:
if (my $u = Win32::OLE->GetObject($ADsPath)) {
$u->SetPassword( $pass );
$u->Put("pwdLastSet", 0);
Perhaps a scoping issue with object $u ? How do you know that method call
is bad?
>From a Perl (yes Perl) perspective,
My guess is that this is more of an IIS 6.0 Security issue but I thought I'd
ask some PERL gurus to look through the PERL first.
I've written a script that resets the password for a user in our Active
Directory for our help desk folks. The script works fine from several
computers and works when