I've used LWP to call cgi scripts like that. This example is probably more
complicated than it needs to be, because I had to use the POST method to
call the scripts I was running behind the scenes:
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
use HTTP::Headers;
my $em = new CGI;
Can anyone enlighten me on how to do this:
Goal: call different PERL scripts from current PERL script.
Below is what I am trying to accomplish, but I am not sure I have the syntax correct.
(can't seem to find anything this in my PERL books)
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#some code..
Hello out there...
I wanted to thank everyone who has kindly offered their assistance
with my current project. Of course I have more questions,
But first I wanted to share how I solved my current issue.
It's displays a clever mySQL trick! -- see script below:
Dave Gilden
( kora musician / audiop
Good afternoon,
Here is the output of my script, and can’t understand why this is not working.
Thanks for any and all pointers!
Dave Gilden
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/cgi-bin$ mail_guest_to_jk.cgi
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at ./mail_guest_to_jk.cgi
line 33.
Use of uni
David Gilden wrote:
> Good evening,
> The following mySQL query works fine, but the server is in
> California. I would like add 2 hours to %l,
> because the client is in Texas. I could just go to time in GMT and
> forget about it :) But I'm wondering if there is a simple solution
> here.
> "