Re: elsif issues ....still

2003-08-21 Thread Octavian Rasnita
Yes, it should be used ... == 1 without quoting the numbers. [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Original Message - From: "Lile, James AZ2 (VAW-115)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "'Catriona Wordsworth'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, August 22, 2003 6:34 AM Subject: RE: e

RE: elsif issues ....still

2003-08-21 Thread Lile, James AZ2 (VAW-115)
I haven't had the chance to run it... work, Thanks, guess I need to read up on this a bit more :o) r, james -Original Message- From: zsdc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, August 22, 2003 7:58 AM To: Lile, James AZ2 (VAW-115) Cc: 'Catriona Wordsworth'; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re:

Secure Form Submission

2003-08-21 Thread Greenhalgh David
Hi All, I need to implement a form that is submitted securely. My client does not have access to SSL on his host. I was thinking in terms of a session cookie with a client side RC4 encrypt and a decrypt in the Perl script. Do peoople here consider that to be a secure scenario, or is there anot

Re: elsif issues ....still

2003-08-21 Thread zsdc
Lile, James AZ2 (VAW-115) wrote: Someone correct me if I am wrong, the numbers in quotes are being read as strings and not numbers, or numbers not strings. The == works with numbers, and the quotes are for strings. I think that the way you have it set up, the number one is returning true when the

RE: elsif issues ....still

2003-08-21 Thread Lile, James AZ2 (VAW-115)
Someone correct me if I am wrong, the numbers in quotes are being read as strings and not numbers, or numbers not strings. The == works with numbers, and the quotes are for strings. I think that the way you have it set up, the number one is returning true when the $variable is defined. respectfull

Formatting integer input

2003-08-21 Thread Sara
$one = 2.5; $two = 2; $three = $one + $two; print "$three"; # prints 4.5 I want 4.5 in proper format as 04.05 Any ideas? Thanks, Sara.

Re: perl script as binary

2003-08-21 Thread David T-G
Sven -- ...and then Sven Bentlage said... % % Thanks for the tips to everyone. % > Can you turn the app into a web app? % Unluckily that would be even more difficult, I think. Hmmm... % I`m trying to write a small script / program to shutdown a linux box % remotely. That sounds easy. Why no

Re: Counter triggered on download

2003-08-21 Thread Octavian Rasnita
Put the link to a cgi script which makes an HTTP forward using the "Location=$url\n\n" header or print an HTML page which use an HTML meta refresh. This way the visitors may use a download manager to download the PDF file, and you can count the downloads. [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Origi

Monitor Bandwidth.

2003-08-21 Thread Mike Blezien
Hello, Does anyone know of a Perl module or other means with Perl to monitor and/or measure bandwidth usage ?? TIA -- MikeBlezien =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thunder Rain Internet Publishing Providing Internet Solutions that work! Web Hosting http://www.j

Re: Counter triggered on download

2003-08-21 Thread Merrill Oakes
Camilo: THANKS! I agree. I also did a little more due diligence searching and found some scripts (guess I should have done that before I posted). Thanks everyone, great group/list. MO. Camilo Gonzalez wrote: I would solve this by using the link to invoke a Perl script that would trip a coun

Re: Counter triggered on download

2003-08-21 Thread Camilo Gonzalez
I would solve this by using the link to invoke a Perl script that would trip a counter and serve up the PDF document, shift-click be damned. Who uses shift-click anyway? Merrill Oakes wrote: I have a link to a PDF file on a web page. I want to count how many times that someone clicks on the l

Re: elsif issues ....still

2003-08-21 Thread zsdc
Catriona Wordsworth wrote: trying to get the following code to print each line where relevant > but it only prints the first statement "yes its one!" even if the > $variable is "5" Are you sure that your $variable is really what you think it is? Maybe some other part of your code is chan

Re: Replacing carriage return with character string '\n' coming from a textarea param

2003-08-21 Thread zsdc
Li, Kit-Wing wrote: Can someone help me with the following? I have a simple cgi script that is trying to take the paragraph from a TEXTAREA field and insert the text into a MySql table. Use placeholders. See: You ca

RE: Running process in background?

2003-08-21 Thread Nicholson, Dale
For the original poster, this might help in the future: The columns in a cron entry are as follows: minute, hour, day of month, month, day of week. The day of week starts at 0 for Sunday through 6 for Saturday. Examples follow. If you wanted to have a process run every 10 minutes on Monday thr

Replacing carriage return with character string '\n' coming from a textarea param

2003-08-21 Thread Li, Kit-Wing
Hi, Can someone help me with the following? I have a simple cgi script that is trying to take the paragraph from a TEXTAREA field and insert the text into a MySql table. This works: insert into description_tbl(1,'This is a sample paragraph.\nThis is just a test.\n'); However, by passing $query-

Counter triggered on download

2003-08-21 Thread Merrill Oakes
I have a link to a PDF file on a web page. I want to count how many times that someone clicks on the link (i.e. downloads the PDF). The easy way (at least for me) would be to make them go to a "download page" first, and I could put a counter in the page, BUT this requires an extra step for th

elsif issues ....still

2003-08-21 Thread Catriona Wordsworth
Hi Guys, trying to get the following code to print each line where relevantbut it only prints the first statement "yes its one!" even if the $variable is "5" $variable = $var if ($variable == "1"){ print MAIL "yes its one!\n"; } elsif ($variable == "2"){ print MAIL "it is two!\n";

Re: File::Copy &

2003-08-21 Thread Jenda Krynicky
From: "" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > If you are transfering file from a local machine to a remote machine, > you do not use File::Copy module to copy files. File::Copy is used > for copying files locally. You can use Net::FTP to transfer files > from one machine to another. And of course, yo

Re: cgi error

2003-08-21 Thread Erich Musick
Another thing you'll want to check is your path to perl (the first line). For example, when I run a script on windows, I must change the path to e:/perl/bin/perl.exe - because that's my path to my perl executable. -- Erich Musick "Rob Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

RE: create log as well as print on screen

2003-08-21 Thread Marcos . Rebelo | perl -e "while (<>) {print $_; warn $_}" 2> $logFile Or redefine the print -Original Message- From: mark sony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 3:11 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: create log as well as print on screen Hi

AW: File::Copy &

2003-08-21 Thread B. Fongo
Hey! If you want to transfer file through the browser, then you don't need an FTP server. On submitting the upload form, the browser transmits the file to the web server, and it is store in a temporary folder where you can ask for. You need too extra the value of the file field with param('fiel

a few more questions while I am at it....

2003-08-21 Thread Catriona Wordsworth
I am interested in programming my script to pick up the email addresses operated by the main email client as a particular page is opened and then pass that on to me via email. presumably I could then do the same with picking up the IP and browser details as well... can someone point me in