I have a perl program that allows a user to upload a file (either .jpg or
.gif) to the server, and returns a message if it exceeds a specified size
(in my case 100kB). Currently (and don't laugh - I am new to perl), I go
through the motions of uploading the file in 1024-byte blocks (in bi
Ovid Says >
To be honest, while I don't know a simple answer for this, the reality is
that this answer doesn't work very well. People can easily type stuff like:
Keith Says >
Hmm... I agree with you. It's the same
--- Keith Szlamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> my $domain = $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'};
> $domain =~ s/^http:\/\/www.//;
> $domain =~ s/^http:\/\///;
> Regardless of what they enter, you should end up with just 'domain.tld' or
> 'sub.domain.tld' if the name being forward using sub domains - like many
> We have a fairly simple redirect script a url is entered, and even tho
> there are directions to not enter the "http://www"; sometimes we get it
> or "http://";... what is the simplest method to extract just the domain
> name if a "http://www.somedomain_name.com"; or
> "http://somedomain_name.com