David Vd Geer Inhuur Tbv Iplib wrote at Mon, 27 May 2002 16:59:24 +0200:
> open(FH, "<$file");
> while {
> s/(/(\n/g
> s/\n)/)/g
> push @newoutput
> }
> close FH;
> open(HH, ">$file");
> print HH @newoutput;
> close HH;
> It's untested, you might need to add some ba
On Monday, May 27, 2002, at 07:30 , Hernan Marcelo Salvarezza wrote:
> the log goes like this
> May 16 08:03:58 38#0015556, SetupTime 11:06:31.062
> DisconnectTime 11:10:06.922
> May 16 08:03:58 38#0015556,SetupTime 11:06:31.062
> DisconnectTime 11:10:06.9
open(FH, "<$file");
while {
push @newoutput
close FH;
open(HH, ">$file");
print HH @newoutput;
close HH;
It's untested, you might need to add some backslashes in front of the substitutions
but this should be it. There is probably someone else that doe
Hernan Marcelo Salvarezza wrote at Mon, 27 May 2002 16:30:38 +0200:
> Hello all i am parsing a cisco cdr log and i am having some problems to create the
>adecuate regexp
> the log goes like this
> May 16 08:03:58 38#0015556, SetupTime 11:06:31.062 DisconnectTime
Hi Hernan,
First I would like to say please start using perl instead of system calls.
This makes life a lot easier, I know I did it as well, but try to find solutions
for you system calls :
open (FH, "< logprueba.log")
@logprueba = ;
close FH;
Now you can start filtering :
foreach $pruebalog(
My original line is:
I want to change this to
ci( //This and the line next to it are new lines
How to do this .?Can some one help me out.
- Original Message -
From: "inSite Internet Solutions" <[EM
Hello all i am parsing a cisco cdr log and i am having some problems to
create the adecuate regexp
the log goes like this
May 16 08:03:58 38#0015556, SetupTime 11:06:31.062
DisconnectTime 11:10:06.922
May 16 08:03:58 38#0015556,SetupTime 11:06:31.062
I have recently ran into this problem myself. With my script everything
worked fine with netscape, but I got the errors you describe with IE. I
finally updated my IE and the problems went away. There seems to be a bug
in IE 5.5 related to downloading files.
** you wrote **
I've tried