--- Maxim Berlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Curtis,
> Thursday, September 13, 2001, Curtis Poe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> CP> That will show non-printing characters (-v) and the end of line will be
>indicated with a
> dollar
> CP> sign (-E). If you see a ^M before the end of line
Hello. I'm new to Perl and CGI and seem to have dropped in the deep end with this
particular problem!
The basic requirement is: if a string doesn't begin with a sequence of characters
then prepend that sequence to the string. Seems simple enough, but this is
complicated (it would seem from
I tried substituting:
flock(WRITE_COMMENT, (LOCK_EX() || die("cannot lock comment file: $!")));
to no avail. THe file has been previously opened (for reading) and
then closed after, prior to being opened by another sub for
appending. The code I used to append worked as part of a stand