I had ordered the US edition when Amazon was running a discount. Was able
to get it for about Rs 1500, half of which was for international shipping.
Unfortunately it is still stuck at customs.
Glad to see the Indian edition. Definitely worth buying if you are a
serious web developer.
Pratik Mandr
Great to hear from you Jay, and would love to meet enthu pythoneers here!
Though our company is split between US and India, most of our team is in
Bangalore and we are in the Microsoft Accelerator currently.
We started 9 months ago with the goal to help learners find the best online
learning resou
This is fantastic Parul.
You and your team is doing a great job. We all need these kind of initiative.
Suman Debnath
Performance Engineering
EMC Corporation
-Original Message-
From: "Parul Gupta"
Sent: 22-04-2014 16:22
To: "bangpypers@python.org"
Subject: Re: [BangPypers]
On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 3:45 PM, Pratik Mandrekar wrote:
> I had ordered the US edition when Amazon was running a discount. Was able
> to get it for about Rs 1500, half of which was for international shipping.
> Unfortunately it is still stuck at customs.
I did the same and did not face any pr
In my previous mail I meant PERL and not Pearl !
Thanks for the info about your company. When did you become a part of
Microsoft Accelerator ? I still remember the days when the Microsoft world
was cold shouldering Python.
This discussion is going out of context. It would be nice to take it away
from mailing list.
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