Re: [BangPypers] Zope : uninstallation error in windows

2012-02-21 Thread Vishal
Great find. This is general enough to be used in other full fledged programs as well. Thanks, Vishal On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 5:25 PM, Shashidhar Paragonda <> wrote: > Hello Vishal, > > >>> Thanks for your advice. > >>> I found solution, there was

Re: [BangPypers] Zope : uninstallation error in windows

2012-02-20 Thread Shashidhar Paragonda
Hello Vishal, >>> Thanks for your advice. >>> I found solution, there was override of uninstaller due to that it was throughing that exception. >>> We have to remove the zope uninstaller file while creating setup installer file. InnoSetup compiler will g

Re: [BangPypers] Zope : uninstallation error in windows

2012-02-18 Thread Vishal
Hi, This "seems" not connected with python...since this error looks like cropping up because InnoSetup could not pickup all the items that would be needed during uninstall. First thing would be to check if the InnoSetup conf script mentions that this setup needs to be uninstalled. If you can dist

[BangPypers] Zope : uninstallation error in windows

2012-02-15 Thread Shashidhar Paragonda
Hello Python hackers, >>> I am facing typical uninstaller error on windows machine. >>> I have created our application setup installer through Innosetupcompiler in windows. >>> I have installed Zope, Python, and all the addons for python and zope at source installer fold