On Thursday 05 Feb 2009 9:35:45 am Praveen Kumar wrote:
> * yeah that won't really work, for it to work you would only be able to
> handle 1 request at a time**
> ** I guess using a DB cache would be acceptable, you could always set up a
> simple model that just stores key value pairs.**
why am I
* yeah that won't really work, for it to work you would only be able to
handle 1 request at a time**
** I guess using a DB cache would be acceptable, you could always set up a
simple model that just stores key value pairs.**
* that should be fine.*
Praveen Kumar
Mahit Infotech Pvt.
Thanks for your valuable advice.
This can be done using caching. But can be work out only with DB or File
Caching ... Local Memory Caching will not work out ... as again it will face a
same problem.
Thanks and Regards,
Hussain Bohra
Tavant Technologies,