Hi Everybody,
I would like to share a few updates about the recent activities in
Hyderabad Python Group:-
We recently conducted a meetup in lightning talk format where two speakers
presented on different topics: Writing Clean code & Intro to SQLAlchemy.
Recently, we've also got Venue sponsorship
Hi All
The meetup was well received and there were seven talks. We experimented
using PeriScope and mobile camera to capture the videos [0][1].
The complete event summary is available in the blog post [2].
Feedback and suggestions are welcome.
[0]: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIYL-l3N9VLF
This month BangPypers is conducting an IoT workshop on *March 18th from
2:00 PM to 5:30 PM.* After a long time, the event is in the afternoon. So
catch up some extra sleep on Saturday morning.
- What is the idea of the workshop?
The idea of the workshop is to get people experience o